Monday, February 4, 2013

Share the Love of Giving

My Signature Gifts, gift basket
We all know how even the smallest of gestures, like a phone call or simple hello, feels to both the giver and the recipient. One simple act of kindness and thoughtfulness lifts both participants’ spirits and can provide a timely morale boost. Though it may sound cliché, there’s no denying the “joy of giving.” At its core, giving is part of the cycle of life.

I started my company, My Signature Gifts, many years ago to share my passion for giving back. Since then, I’ve created hundreds of custom gift baskets to inspire people to express their love and appreciation to cherished family members, colleagues, staff, clients, and associates.

With every basket I create, I strive to translate my artistic vision into something that represents my deep desire to give the very best I have to offer. I draw my inspiration from nature, the ocean, animals, a random act of kindness, a smile, and the colors and textures I derive from the culinary arts.

I manifest that vision by artfully arranging inside an attractive keepsake container only the finest chocolates, gourmet confections, teas and coffees, and other edible delicacies, of the kind you might hear about on cable TV cooking shows or find in high-end shops. My award-winner basket designs were recognized at the 2012 Nation Gift Basket Convention.

If you’d like to join me in sharing the love of giving, please contact me about my custom-made gift baskets and more. I have some exclusive designs available for Valentine’s Day that special someone will love.

Sheri Williams
My Signature Gifts

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